You, at Your Best...

On-line video is today's hottest, most powerful communication medium. Great visual story telling reaches potential clients instantly--through their phones, at their computers, on their televisions. Shell Studios helps artists, writers, and companies stand out from the competition by delivering high-quality products that show them at their most inspired.

This involves a three-step process:


At Shell Studios, we recognize that each client’s video needs vary in terms of complexity and budget. That’s why our initial process starts with a complete review of your advertising goals. We'll discuss you, your industry, the target audience, and your brand identity. To portray you effectively, we need to get to know you first, and help you answer two basic questions: what do you want people to know about you, and what do you want them to do with the information?


Until very recently, only major Hollywood studios and television networks had the equipment and expertise to produce films and videos of the very highest quality. Today, advances in technology have democratized filmmaking. At Shell Studios, we work with you to create a basic script. We then shoot original film footage of you and your products, and combine them with photographs, logos, footage, animated graphics, music, and text to make a dynamic, sophisticated, custom video at an affordable price.  


This is where we put it all together. Shell Studios will not only make your movie, but ensure that every element of it is crystal clear and beautiful: from the color to the sound to the lighting. In this phase, we work one pixel at a time to produce a complete, integrated product that exceeds customer expectations.